Created: 27.04.2023

The Chesapeake Campaign involved two principal military initiatives led by British Rear Admiral Cockburn during the summer of 1814. The first effort was the assault on Washington, DC while employing diversionary feints along the region's waterways. The second thrust was an attempt to subdue Baltimore.

British forces under Capt. Sir Peter Parker raid along the Eastern Shore of Maryland as a DiversionAfter burning Washington,British troops under Maj. Gen.Robert Ross withdrawal and sail to BaltimoreBritish forces under Capt.James Gordon sail up the Potomac River as a diversion.Princopio Iron WorksHavre de GraceMaryland11KinsaleNomini ChurchSt. LeonardColvertonHollowing PointSolomans IslandPrince FredrickBanedictHuntingtownFt. WashingtonWhite HouseWashingtonBladenburgSt. MichaelsKent IslandChestertownFt. McHenryBaltimorePort DepositGeorgetownFredricktownFrenchtownElk Landing1819141317161520212223242730282967534225261
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