Created: 23.07.2019

A map of all of the major Mexican bodies of water, including oceans, rivers, and lakes.

Pacific OceanGulf of CaliforniaGulf of MexicoRio Grande RiverLaguna de Chapala(Lake Chapala)San Juan RiverPresa El Cuchillo (El Cuchillo Dam)Bahia de CampecheCaribbean SeaGolfo de Tuhuantepec(Gulf of Tehuantepec)Bahia de BanderasLaguna del CaimaneroBahia Magdalena(Magdalena Bay)Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino (SebastianVizcaino Bay)Yucatan ChannelLaguna de TamiahuaLaguna MadreColorado RiverCanchos RiverSalado RiverBalsas RiverLerma RiverRio SantiagoAguanaval RiverNazas RiverUsumacinta RiverGrijalvaRiverTamesi RiverYaqui RiverSonora RiverMajor Mexican Bodies of Water
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